Manufacturer selection

You have the possibility, to order miniatures by manufacturer with exclusive products
[number of products in brackets]

basket 0,00 €
JB- JBM Miniatures: selected furniture [224]

GD- Miniaturenschmiede: metal miniatures [39]

GF- Glassblowing Felka: selected glassware [2]

HB- Heinrich Bauer: [4]

MB- Marianne Brehm: dolls clothes [239]

MK- Life of Man: selected porcelain dolls [7]

MR- Miniaturbücher: books [92]

MU- Michael Utzerath: genuine jewelry [6]

PB- Paul Brehm: modern furniture [181]

SK- Scherenschnitt Schmitt: [3]

TH- Teddy Hermann: teddies [9]

TI- Tiny Ceramics: ceramic tiles [25]

AF- Alda Fernández: real paintings [3]

EN- Mantero Miniaturas: trims, fittings [55]

BA- Henry Bart: tiles [199]

JG- Jan Grygiel: wooden tools (museum copies) [54]

United Kingdom
AE- Artforge: artforge [6]

DW- David Ward: pewter animals [2]

GO- Golland: [6]

HH- Hearth and Home: basins,... [4]

JF- Jeff Mewies: copperware [2]

KK- KATTYKORNER: Clothing [6]

LR- L & A St.Leger: mechanical toys [1]

PD- Pride of Place: food: fish [3]

RA- Ray Storey: lamps [5]

VF- Victoria Fasken: artistic painting [9]

AK- Alemikimikri: shabby chick [14]

CU- Silvia Cucchi: food [22]

EU- Eurosia: ceramics [27]

IH- Ichiyoh Haga: artisan [1]

TY- TYA Kitchen: stainless steel kitchen and accessories [2]

UL- Ulus Miniaturas: selected miniatures [11]

PO- Poppenhuis Almere: unfinished wood furniture [38]

AG- Agnieszka Krasicka: prepared dishes [3]

IN- Initiative: Russian dolls [3]

KT- Chairclub: DIY chairs [61]

United States
AC- Angel Children: dolls [8]

BD- Bright deLights: flowers,cakes [508]

BP- Bespaq: selected furniture [8]

CD- Cindy's Dollhouse: porcelain dolls [4]

IB- Itsy Bitsy: wallpaper [185]

JP- Jim Pounder: lamps, sculptures [8]

NG- Ni-Glo® Lamps: lamps [6]

PG- Paula Gilhooley: plants [13]

PL- Prestige Leather: leatherware [16]

PT- Patsy Thomas: [9]

SN- Spencer's Nook: luminous advertising signs [12]

SX- Shadow Box: dressforms [48]

TW- Twinheart: flowers and vegatable [3]

WI- Wilhelmina Miniatures: boxwood, wicker [5]